Industries ASPG Serves

At ASPG, we pride ourselves on tailored solutions for every industry. Although our tools can be used by virtually any organization, there are certain sectors that rely heavily on our data security and access management tools.


School, university and college campuses can face extremely high password-related calls at the beginning of each new semester and during off-peak hours when students conduct most of their online work. Campuses can also hold a variety of personally identifiable information about students and faculty, ranging from home addresses to financial information. Institutions must follow federal laws to protect the privacy of students and faculty records.


Companies with global offices and clients around the world face the challenge of adequately staffing their Help Desks around the clock to accommodate password-related calls. Additionally, the mishandling of confidential client data could cause catastrophic damage to a business and hurt an organization’s reputation.


Online customers submit financial information, addresses, and other personally identifiable information. Appropriately protecting this data is essential to retailers and customers as online vendors continue to dominate the retail market. Online retailers can also face a substantial volume of password reset calls related to online account lockouts.


With hundreds of patients and staff to accommodate, many hospitals need a secure tool to assist them with lowering Help Desk calls to allow staff to focus on patient-led care. Protecting patient records is also both an ethical and legal requirement. Robust cryptography software is non-negotiable, allowing staff to protect data from unauthorized breaches and protecting patient data. Patient records must be kept secure and protected, or organizations can face increasing violation penalties.


Government agencies, both local and federal, have large numbers of people who require data access and highly sensitive data that must be protected according to strict legal policies. These same agencies also have large numbers of users who require data access especially during high-traffic periods such as local and state elections.