SMF Data Management and Movement Utility for z/OS
SMF Dump and Clear Software
What is SMFUTIL?
The correct and timely processing of SMF data is essential to the daily operations of an organization. Loss of this crucial data could result in loss of revenue or hindered security. With SMF records providing the backbone of many baseline activities running through a mainframe operating system, proper handling and organization of this data is crucial.
SMFUTIL is the SMF data management and movement utility for z/OS for automating SMF processing. SMFUTIL combines speed with extreme flexibility and versatility in the handling of SMF data. It greatly enhances the availability and accessibility of SMF data while reducing the resources required to process it. SMFUTIL eliminates the need to write and maintain special purpose SMF processing routines.
SMFUTIL Benefits
Fully automates the SMF dumping process
Ensures SMF data integrity
Faster data retrieval
Minimal learning curve
Maximize time and productivity
Intuitive design through ISPF full-screen browser and editor of SMF data sources.
High speed access to archives
Produces clean archived master files that are cataloged as normal datasets.
Reduces resources required to archive and post process SMF data.
Provides diagnostics for bad records.
Improve availability of SMF data while reducing handling costs
How it Works
SMFUTIL is designed to greatly enhance the availability and accessibility of SMF data while reducing the resources required for processing and storage. SMFUTIL supports any block size on any output device type
SMFUTIL will produce clean archived master files that are cataloged as normal datasets. All datasets produced by SMFUTIL are usable for direct input to any program requiring SMF data.
Using the powerful filtering and data selection capabilities of SMFUTIL, SMFVIEW allows for quick and easy access to selected SMF data. SMFVIEW is an optional component to SMFUTIL that allows users to exam and repair critical SMF data that is damaged. Well suited for a variety of different environments, SMFVIEW allows for quick and easy access to selected SMF data.
Save countless hours of clock and CPU time, resulting in substantial cost savings.
As a powerful tool that combines speed with versatility, SMFUTIL is well suited to a variety of end-users who utilize SMF data management. Loss of SMF data to an organization can result in lost revenue and crucial security flaws. Implementing SMFUTIL provides a secure environment for SMF data, while greatly enhancing the availability and accessibility of SMF data and reducing resources required in processing.
SMFUTIL is a highly efficient SMF data selection processor that retrieves SMF data from both online and archived files, so they can be used by SMF data processing programs. Data retrieval is based upon user supplied data selection and/or validation criteria, performed through control keywords.
SMFUTIL is the primary means of accessing and organizing SMF data. With more than 125 user-controlled selections of SMF data to choose from, SMFUTIL supports the creation of multiple subsets of records with a single pass of the data. Users are then able to process the SMF data they require without wasting resources passing data they don’t need. SMFUTIL is the primary means of accessing and organizing SMF data.
Utilizing SMFUTIL can result in reduced operational costs and countless hours of saved time, resulting in boosted productivity and substantial cost savings.